Tuesday, May 29, 2012

How Green is Your Garden...

“In this box there is earth from my orchard, and such blessing as Galadriel has still to bestow is upon it. It will not keep you on your road, nor defend you against any peril; but if you keep it and see your home again at last, then perhaps it may reward you. Though you should find all barren and laid waste, there will be few gardens in Middle-earth that will bloom like your garden, if you sprinkle this earth there.” – Galadriel, Fellowship of the RingPuget Sound Fresh
Another week and I have continued exploring healthy eating and changing my diet/lifestyle.

Having power-skimmed the series of “Right 4 Your Type” books by Dr. A’damo at the local Half-Price Books, and seeing the rapid personal changes in my own life, I am pretty sold on the benefits and am rapidly approaching the ‘drank the kool-aid’ stage.

Firstly, since I switched back to a mainly vegetarian diet, (with soy and fish protein being my main sources of protein) about 10-12 days ago, I have lost 12lbs. I am sleeping much better (without the snoring, reports Megan). My attitude has improved (although I am still dealing with random days of unreasonable anger…more on this later). I am more energetic and confident. My mental acuity has improved. Overall, I feel amazing. And all I have done is to change my source and type of nutrition.

I feel amazing.

You are what you eat...
Dr. April suggested I watch the movie “Food, Inc.”, as part of an awareness building regime. Now, I know many of my carnivorous, more conservative friends are leery of documentaries nowadays (aka “The Michael Moore Effect”) but I can’t recommend this movie highly enough. Instead of saying “DON’T EAT THAT!” with the rabid pedantic of the fervid vegan (which I expected), this movie calmly explains where the modern food supply is coming from, the possible deleterious effects it is having on our collective health, and options to return to a more healthful, responsible way of eating.

In order to find affordable, healthy and organic (and by organic, I mean not genetically altered, covered in pesticides and trucked in from South America) produce, Megan and I did a little investigating and were blown away by the quantity of choices here in the Puget Sound. (That don't take your whole paycheck…sorry Whole Foods!)

Puget Sound Fresh
A good source of locally produced, affordable produce is at your local farmer’s market, and joy of joys, the season has just started! A great tool to get you started on finding a nearby Farmer’s Markets is Puget Sound Fresh:

Another option for those of us that seem to work the hours the markets are open, is the local farm stand. Just minutes north of Everett, is the “Red Rooster Route” in Arlington.  Comprised of 4 farms, a Saturday Farmer’s Market, and a Pioneer Museum, the area boasts a myriad of healthy, affordable choices, and even a serious dose of family fun. Another bonus, the season is just starting! http://www.redroosterroute.com

We also looked into and visited our local “health food store”, the Sno-Isle Food Co-Op located in downtown Everett. The co-op has a plethora of choices, has the bonus of being open year round, and sells all manner of organic products. While the prices can be a titch high, this can be abrogated by becoming a co-op member, for as little as $5/mo. Members can get a further 15% discount by volunteering a miniscule 10 hours a month. No matter how you look at it, that’s a good deal. You’re helping your community, learning about the healthy food movement, and saving money. Triple win! www.snoislefoods.coop

So get out there, and get eating right! You’ll be glad you did!

(Oh, and no word on when the surgery is yet. I called Urology NW and am consulting with the surgeon on Friday. Apparently he'll be in Alaska next week....)


  1. Manna mills in mt lake terrace also carries organic produce if you're ever down that way. they also have organic bulk beans, grains, fours etc. great little place.

  2. all things in moderation my friend...truly the secret to life..."up with mediocrity"...never forget to balance eating right with enjoying life...in other words...never feel guilty about your choices...and never do anything you might regret...love you brother,miss you and hope you realize the power of positive thinking so you can remind me sometime...no regrets buddy....ever...enjoy the gift of life more than ever with your new "take" on it...that's all there is

  3. oh and despite the subject matter...love this blog...you write well and have an excellent felicity of expression my friend...and your theme totally rocks!!
